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Introducing Prism Quest 🔮 - A Kaizo Inspired Platformer


TLDR: go play the game!

Another Game Jam?! What happened to Toko Roko?

After quiting our full-time jobs to try this whole game dev thing, Luke and I decided it might be best to participate in another game jam. It had been 6 months since our last jam and we hadn't had time to work on Toko Roko either. In order to get our design and development muscles moving again we found a jam that would both challenge us and allow us to get back into the Toko Roko mindset. That jam, was the 1-Bit Game Jam hosted by MYline Media.

prism quest game

Day 1

The theme of the jam was "transformation" and we had 2 weeks to make a game. We wanted to make something that was challenging, fun, and could be completed in the time frame. A platformer seemed like a good place to start since that would get us in the headspace of working on Toko Roko again once we were done. Not to mention we would learn a lot in the process. Michael had been working on a rebuild of the Toko Roko platforming framework (the foundation of the game). This includes all of the collision detection logic, a state machine for the player, a simple camera and a few other goodies.

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luke playing the first prototype

Halfway Point

As we were hitting our stride and making awesome progress on the game, we hit our goal of 50 followers early and were awarded the coveted Subscribe button on Twitch. Friends and early followers helped us get here and we couldn't thank them enough! A little celebration was in order then it was back to work!

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celebrating 50 followers on twitch

Final Day

We were working THROUGH THE NIGHT to get things ready to submit. I (Michael) ended up spending the night a couple nights on Lukes basement. haha It was worth it! Before we submitted we spent a lot of time chatting with folks on Twitch and Discord. It was a blast! Thanks to everyone who hung out in the chat. You kept us going 🙏!

chatting with folks

Jam Results!

We ended up placing 20th out of 108 entries on itch.io. Not bad for our second game jam! We got a lot of great feedback and we're really happy with the game. If you're interested in following our game dev journey, follow us on Twitch/RatRaceStudio.

prism quest placed 20th out of 108 entries on itch.io
Here are a few of our favorite comments. People were way too nice 😊. some of our favorite comments from itch.io some of our favorite comments from itch.io