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Toko Roko

A parkour inspired platformer currently in development. Follow our progress on Twitch!

A True Beginning

We've been dreaming about making games for a long time. Back in 2018 we started playing around with the idea of making a platformer. Something simple, something we could use to learn the process and art of game making. That project took on a few different forms, in a few different engines. But we learned a lot by prototyping those ideas and eventually we landed on where we are now with the parkour inspired platformer we call, Toko Roko.

We're excited to share our journey with you as we continue to develop Toko Roko. We hope you'll join us on Twitch as we stream our development process and share our progress. We're looking forward to your feedback and can't wait to show you more of what we've been working on.

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pack rat featurette